This contract is between the hypnotist and yourself, please read through it carefully. It explains expectation of both parties. It includes information such as my contact information, governing body information, confidentiality & ethics expectations among others. It also sets out fees, cancellation policy etc.
Contact Details
Phone: 07493 200717 email:
Phone Policy: Calls will only be answered during the office hours of 9am-6pm, text messages likewise will only be responded to during these hours. Contact outside of your session should only be in relation to the scheduling appointments.
My consulting rooms are at 296 Nether St, London, N3 1RJ and all sessions will take place at this address.
Qualifications & Governing Body
I hold a level 3 diploma in hypnotherapy and am member of the National Hypnotherapy Society (HS). As such I am bound by the HS code of ethics which can be found here
Confidentiality & Data Protection
Confidentiality is an extremely important aspect of any sort of therapy as you need to be able to have the confidence that anything you say will go no further. As a member of HS I am bound by their code of ethics in relation to your sessions which ensures that anything said in your session will go no further except for the following 3 reason.
1. Where you have given consent for information to be shared. This will usually be in regards to a need that arises where I may have to contact your GP or other health care provider
2. Where a court order has been issued
3. Where I deem there may be a danger to yourself or others.
In the event of these circumstances, I will endeavour to discuss this with you first.
As a therapist I am required to operate under supervision by my governing body which includes discussing my practice. This ensures that I continue to be able to offer my best practice. In these discussions all personal details are kept confidential, and the supervision sessions themselves are covered by confidentiality policies by HS.
The storage of information about you is of vital importance to us and all records are kept in compliance with GDPR regulations.
Cancellations Policy
While I do understand that unexpected issues do arise it is vital that you inform me of any rescheduling requirements as soon as possible, as such any rescheduling or cancellation must be at least 24 hours prior to the appointment. Anything within the 24hrs will incur the loss of the fees for that session. No refunds will be issued within 24hrs of a scheduled appointment. Any sessions missed will forfeit the fee for that session. Lateness will incur the loss of that time with no refund applicable, I am unable to extend sessions for any reason.
Call to discuss
If you have any issues surrounding something that has happened in our client/therapist relationship I would ask that you discuss them with myself so that I may address any issues you have. If you don’t feel you can do this or I am unable to resolve your concern please contact the National Hypnotherapy Society on the link below and follow their complaints procedure.
Acknowledgement of Contract
By attending sessions you acknowledge that this contract has been explained to you, any questions have been answered and you agree to abide by the policies contained within.